Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The things I do instead of homework...

   Today was quite lovely. While my hips are sore from my first workout, I did manage to run around (socially not literally:) today. Woke up, grabbed the Nalgene (bpa free duhh) and made myself drink water during class. Came home, made some fresh OJ in my Champion Juicer, I felt a little sassy so I added some frozen blueberries into the mix and it tasted quite nice!
   Sipped on that lil guy while catching up on my Sex and the City. I gotta get ready for the new movie! Side note, Female Chauvinist Pigs, a book I read for my sociology class hated Sex and the City...does that mean I am compromising my feminist beliefs by indulging in this anti-feminist sin? I like Carrie, I think her writing is funny and modern, that and there was no sex ed at my high school....
   Grabbed a coconut burger at Huckleberries, forced Andy to get a hazelnut burger because we have never tried one and it was delicious! From there I was swooped up by Natty to grab coffee and I enjoyed a iced, honey, rice milk, latte. YUM.  No sooner was I dropped off at home to meet up with Berret for a puppy play date. We took Adelaine and Petunia on a walk around Brownes and up to the park. The trees are so beautiful outside I think I will take pictures and post them.
   For dinner I made some quinoa which was surprisingly filling. I used half a cup quinoa with a handful of raisins and planned on flavoring with cinnamin but I keep forgetting that I am out! So I had to settle for vegan butter and some Nama Shoyu. For dessert I ate a cup of organic strawberries and enjoyed a little carton of coconut water.
   Oh! And LOST tonight! I can not believe that the Grand Finale is this Sunday! So sad, but it will free up my Tuesday nights for the first time this year. Sad.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a full and active day! i lift my veggie burger and say, "CHEERS!" to you!
