Monday, May 17, 2010


     These past couple months have been quite a challenge for me. Just making myself go to school has been hard enough but I am very grateful for the support that I have received from friends and family.
    Now that I have, for the most part, dealt with the emotional scaring of being robbed and assaulted at work, my plan is to embrace life. I am attempting to get back into shape and care about my body, a priority which was put to the wayside these last months.
    With that said, I plan to start blogging again as a means of holding myself accountable for the change I hope will accrue in the upcoming months.
 ac·count·abil·i·ty- the quality or state of being accountableespecially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions
   Right now I am not raw vegan (jus vegan), though I hope to be once again by the end of the summer or at least high-raw.
    Today marked the first day of working out in a very very long time. Thanks to my awesome workout partner I hope to be there several more times this week!
    That's all I have time for now. The puppy will not stop attacking me with her octopus squeaky toy and I need to read a thousand pages of my Logic book for class.