So I made this blog a coupla months ago to attempt to keep track of my new, “raw vegan” lifestyle. For those of you who don't know I have been vegan for about 2 years now and vegetarian 2 years before that. Since 2007 I have been interested in raw foods but never quite got it. I attempted going raw back in 2007 and was unsuccessful.
I now know the reasons behind my failure:
Reason 1: I did not believe that someone could live solely off fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds! It’s like Peter Pan and Physics and Religion … have to believe that you can fly before you really do! What I am trying to get at is that sometimes you have to believe that something is there before you are truly enlightened.
Reason 2: I had not researched raw foodism enough to know what the hell I was doing….nor had I “prepped” myself to go 100% RAW. Becoming a raw foodie is ALL about transitioning and those notorious “baby steps” comes in handy!
After my little trial and error in 2007 I continued with my vegan lifestyle until this summer of 2009. While just veganism is amazing; I still was not eating to live! I was eating cruelty free and to say the least it was not hard at all. Soy, bread, processed foods are easy to come by. From 2008 to 2009 I put on somewhere around 20 pounds. I blamed my 1st year of marriage and my fulltime school/ work load. But once again I now know the truth, I was eating crap.
This summer I joined a yoga studio and started researching, pod casting, joining raw forums and asking other raw foodies my questions.
I have now been raw from 3 months and have truly felt like a new person. My priorities have changed, my conception of what truly "living" life has grown into a new perspective that I feel is what I have always been searching for. I know, to many of you it is quite cheesy when you hear "inner peace" but I have no cheese in my life! (ha ha) Oh && I have lost 12 pds too!
BUT I have had a taste of this "inner peace" thang! And I like it! I’m lookin fo mo!
In essence I have transitioned from the infamous Wasted Wife to my new concoction RAW WIFEY! As a disclaimer I would like to say that Wasted Wife may have her may make appearances upon occasion :) Hey nothin wrong with the truth riiighhht?
I hope that my blog will aid others in pursuing a healthier lifestyle as I have been inspired by so many other raw foodies blogs!
There. First blog done!
You and your damn vegan creations, id probably eat that though.